
arlington birth services is about three things:








My goal is to help educate you so that you can make informed decisions and have the best birth experience possible.

my services

doula services

When I’m supporting your family in labor, I will be whatever you need me to be. If you want me hands on and right there, I will do that. If you want me to simply hold space quietly, I can do that as well. I work with your partner, not against them, …

When I’m supporting your family in labor, I will be whatever you need me to be. If you want me hands on and right there, I will do that. If you want me to simply hold space quietly, I can do that as well. I work with your partner, not against them, to help you have the best birth experience you can no matter the birthing outcome. I will not overshadow your partner’s involvement, but rather, I will help them to connect with you and support you on a deeper level. They know you and I know birth. Together, we will make a beautiful team.

birth boot camp classes

I teach my classes with quirky outfits and relevant t-shirts that drive home the class topics. I love to make my students laugh with lighthearted jokes while still teaching them relevant information that they will need to make the best informed deci…

I teach my classes with quirky outfits and relevant t-shirts that drive home the class topics. I love to make my students laugh with lighthearted jokes while still teaching them relevant information that they will need to make the best informed decisions they can about their births. I bring fun visuals and teaching tools to class so they are interactive and hands on. I love the little “light bulb moments” where something connects with a student and you can almost see their mind opening up and making sense of things. That’s one of my favorite parts. 


 doula services

+ free consultation

We will meet up for coffee or tea and discuss your plans for your birth and see if we are a good fit for each other. Bring your birth partner and ask questions about my services. No strings attached and no pressure to hire me.

+ birth plan consultation

Cost: $35

In this 2 hour session, we will discuss some of the common practices and outcomes associated with birth. This session will help you decide what you want in your birth and what things you do not want. Bring your partner because you may be surprised by the things that are important to them.

*This is included with doula services and birth classes.

+ Registering Help

Cost: $55

Need help registering for your new baby? I can help with that! Includes consultation and accompanying you to the store. There are so many different options and products for a new baby and it can be very overwhelming. Let me help you know where to start, what to look for in products, and help you choose the best items for you, your baby, and your family needs.

+ Doula Services

Cost: $1450

Includes: 1-2 prenatal visits; email/text/phone support starting from time of contract signing; on call starting at 38 weeks; birth; "tuck in" service when you arrive home from your birth place (optional); 1 postpartum visit (within first 2 weeks postpartum); prenatal and postpartum gift

*Doula clients will receive discounts on birth classes.

+ Postpartum Doula Services

Cost: $30/hr Daytime (4 hours minimum) $40/hr Overnight (6 hours)*

Includes: 1 postpartum planning meeting; "tuck in" service when you arrive home from your birthing place; breastfeeding support; newborn care tasks; light housekeeping chores; meal prep and/or planning; help provide a smooth transition into parenthood.

*add $5/hr for twins

+ Free Bereavement Doula Services

Birth can happen in any trimester. As a Stillbirthday trained doula, I can come alongside you and help you navigate the process of loss. I can help give you resources and hold space for you as you grieve and mourn.

As a Stillbirthday doula, my bereavement services are free. These services are supported by my business and by those who donate in honor of a loved one and want to pay it forward for other grieving families. If you would like to donate to this, please feel free to do so. Just let me know in the message that you would like to make a donation.

+ Tuck in Service

Cost: $200 (~4 hours)

This speciality service provides a smooth transition after coming home from your birthing place. I will meet you at your house and provide the following services: help bring in bags and baby; help you shower (if you need to); tuck you into your bed and help make you comfortable; help you breastfeed using your bed and pillows; finish household chores that might have been left undone when you left; start a postpartum soup or meal; and create a calm and peaceful home for you to rest and recover.


birth boot camp classes

+ 10 session comprehensive class

Cost: $430 per couple

Includes: Student Field Manual

This class includes everything taught in all the other classes! It is the most information and the BEST deal! If you desire an unmedicated birth, are first-time parents, or are preparing for a VBAC, this class will prepare you on all levels – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Workbook is included. This class series runs 25 hours and is typically taught over a 10-week period, or ten 2.5 hour sessions

Now available as a Hybrid class. Professionally filmed with closed captioning plus a weekly check in meeting with me via Zoom.

+ 7 session hospital class + postpartum

Cost: $400

Includes: Full-color workbook, a postpartum workbook, and 3.5 hours of breastfeeding videos.

Our hospital class is designed for the couple who wants more. More education. More fun. More relaxation and labor practice. More information on interventions, including medicated and cesarean births. They want to be able to make informed decisions as their birth unfolds. Workbook included. This class is 17.5 hours in total, typically taught over seven 2.5 hour sessions.

Now available as a Hybrid class. Professionally filmed with closed captioning plus a weekly check in meeting with me via Zoom.

+ 6 session home & birth center class + postpartum

Cost: $375

Includes: Full-color workbook, a postpartum workbook, and 3.5 hours of breastfeeding video

Couples and their midwives will adore this book and this class. Topics include the nuts and bolts of the various stages of labor, positions for labor and pushing, as well as the variations of labor. Information on water birth, emergency childbirth, and advice from midwives and couples who have birthed their babies at home or birth centers makes this a valuable one-stop workbook.

Now available as a Hybrid class. Professionally filmed with closed captioning plus a weekly check in meeting with me via Zoom.

+ express birth class

Cost: $250

Includes: Full color workbook and catered lunch

For the busy couple. Topics include basic nutrition, what to expect during labor, epidurals and cesarean sections, and comfort measure techniques. This is a 7 hour class with a 1 hour catered lunch included.

+ refresher course

Cost: $100

Includes: Reboot Refresher Book

This Refresher Course is a 3 hour class designed for women who have already taken Birth Boot Camp during a previous pregnancy, or have already experienced a natural birth.

+ your healthy pregnancy

Cost: $100

Includes: 50-page full color spiral-bound workbook.

If you are wanting to focus on optimal health for you and your baby as you prepare for childbirth, this is the class for you. Our Food and Fitness module covers everything from your mental and emotional health, to the foods you should eat. Don't fret. Don't fear. Just take our Food and Fitness class!

+ comfort measures workshop

Cost: $130

This workshop is designed to help both partners build confidence for the big day. You’ll take in lots of relaxation, comfort measures, massage, imagery for labor, as well as communication skills for labor. This workshop does not replace a childbirth education course. The beautiful workbook that comes with this workshop is one you’ll want to spend time with for the duration of the pregnancy. Class time 3-4 hours.

Now available as a Hybrid class. Professionally filmed with closed captioning plus a weekly check in meeting with me via Zoom.

+ life with your new baby

Cost: $130

Includes: 28-page full color workbook and 3.5 hours of breastfeeding videos

Topics include breastfeeding (3.5 hour video course included), newborn procedures; babywearing, safe sleep, postpartum topics, and baby comfort techniques, as well as advice from veteran parents!

Now available as a Hybrid class. Professionally filmed with closed captioning plus a weekly check in meeting with me via Zoom.

+ birth boot camp breastfeeding class

Cost: $77

This 3.5 hour video is taught by an IBCLC. It includes specific instructions on how to breastfeed, tips on proper latch, how to know if your baby is getting enough milk, troubleshooting, returning to work, nursing in public and so much more!